Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pemenang Earth Day Contest 2010

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Para Ibunda dan Ananda yang dicintai Alloh, berkaitan dengan Lomba Poster dan Menulis bertemakan Earth Day yang diadakan tim DKA, saat ini kami sudah dapat mengumumkan para pemenangnya. Terima kasih untuk partisipasi Ananda dan Ibunda dalam kegiatan ini, pesertanya banyak sekali Alhamdulillah dan karyanya Masha Alloh bagus-bagus. Terima kasih juga kami sampaikan kepada para juri yang telah memberikan penilaian karya-karya peserta ini.

Pemenang Lomba Poster

Level 1

1. Aida Samyono (Peserta # P.1.e)
2. Zafira Lubis (Peserta # P.1.c)
3. Ahmad Shiddiq Barokah (Peserta # P.1.d)

Level 2

1. Syarah Syabira Mahira (Peserta # P.2.a)
2. Muhammad Hafizhan Hamid (Peserta # P.2.h)
3. Maya Rizkyvianti (Peserta # P.2.b)

Level 3

1. Laksmi Anindita (Peserta # P.3.a)
2. Umar Abdurrohman (Peserta # P.3.c)
3. Jasmine Iman Amalia (Peserta # P.3.b)

Level 4

1. Nadhirah Hawna Hamid (Peserta # P.4.a)

Pemenang Lomba Menulis

Level 1.

1. Syarah Syabira Mahira (Peserta # M.1.a)
2. Maya Rizkyvianti (Peserta # M.1.b)
3. Nabila Prasetiawan (Peserta # M.1.e)

Level 2

1. Aisyah Salsabila Mulyono (Peserta # M.2.c)
2. Ibrahim Lubis (Peserta # M.2.a )
3. Muhammad Ihsan Mulyono(Peserta # M.2.d)

Jazakumullahu khayr untuk para orang tua dan putra/inya yang sudah
berpartisipasi dalam program ini.

a.n. Tim DKA

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Peserta # P.4.a

Peserta # P.2.h

Peserta # P.3.b

Peserta # M.3.a


          Tulisan ini bermula ketika melihat di toilet, banyaknya gulungan tissue yang dipakai, kemudian dibuang begitu saja tanpa diketahui bahwa akhirnya salah-satu penyebab global warming adalah dari sehelai tissue tersebut. Tulisan ini kemudian dibenarkan kembali ketika banyak dijumpai di masyarakat terutama kaum hawa yang menghabiskan materi semata hanya untuk membeli tissue guna kepraktisan melakukan sesuatu hal yang akhirnya berujung pada sebuah percepatan keroposan sumber kehidupan rakyat dunia di masa depan.

          Keberadaan tissue sudah meliputi beberapa aspek manusia. Hotel, restoran, cafe, toilet, warung serta di dalam tas manusia sering dijumpai tissue basah ataupun kering. Fakta membuktikan bahwa, Tissue berawal dari olahan bahan baku kayu yang dimulai dari pembuatan bubur kertas kemudian dipanaskan hingga proses packing, itu artinya jutaan ton kayu tropis setiap harinya siap ditebang untuk menghasilkan tissue-tisue yang dibutuhkan manusia moderen, padahal kenyataannya adalah sebatang pohon kayu tropis membutuhkan sekitar 6-8 tahun kemudian untuk dapat ditebang atau diolah kembali hanya demi keinginan daging semata manusia. Dampak pengolahan tissue tidak hanya pada pengundulan hutan semata saja melainkan dari proses untuk mendapatkan warna putih pada Tissue, pemutihan warna pada tisu diperlukan proses pemutihan dengan gas chlor (Cl) terhadap pulp yang berwarna hitam. Bahan baku gas Cl adalah toksik, yang limbahnya juga masih mengandung racun. Bayangkan berapa banyak hutan harus ditebang demi memanjakan gaya hidup manusia serta milyaran liter air yang disedot dari tanah untuk membuat kertas tipis itu.

          Menyusutnya keberadaan hutan dapat mengakibatkan erosi tanah. Selain erosi, kemampuan hutan untuk menyerap CO2 juga menurun. Tingginya konsentrasi CO2 di atmosfir menyebabkan tingginya suhu bumi yang berdampak pada gangguan keseimbangan lingkungan hidup yang menyebabkan terjadinya pemanasan global ( Global Warming ). Pemanasan global merupakan pemanasan bumi yang melampaui batas ambang rata-rata, yang mengakibatkan banyaknya perubahan alam, mulai dari mencairnya kutub bumi, turunnya hujan asam, gersangnya tanah yang dulu subur, hingga naiknya suhu bumi secara cepat.

          Keinginan manusia dalam kepraktisan hidup seolah-olah melupakan bahwa sapu tangan adalah jawaban dalam mengatasi peningkatan produksi tissue setiap hari. Selain nilai keekonomisan, sapu-tangan cukup steril dibandingkan selembar tissue yang sering juga didaur ulang. Pemakaian saputangan adalah cara termudah untuk mengapplikasikan pola hidup green dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Saputangan dapat digunakan berkali–kali dan mengurangi penggunaan kertas tissue itu sendiri.

          Jika sebagian penduduk dunia sepakat dan berjanji lebih baik menggunakan sapu tangan daripada tissue, maka pertanyaan; bagaimana mengurangi kerusakan hutan dan menyelamatkan bumi ini dari dampak global warming yang tidak diinginkan? Akan terjawab!

Peserta # M.2.d

My Green Way To Save The Environment

          Assalamualaikum. Hi, my name is Peserta # M.2.d and these are three things I do to save the environment. But first, let me tell you the things that threaten the environment. One of the major threats to the environment is global warming. Global warming is when too much greenhouses gases covers the atmosphere and traps the heat given by the sun and makes our planet earth warmer.
Greenhouses gases can be CO2 or methane gas. CO2 is gas we breathe out and smoke from a vehicles gas pipes. Some Methane gas are coming from livestock poop and decaying plants process.
A tip for saving the earth is to follow the three Rs, they are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
I will tell you what I do with that 3R.

          The First thing is Reducing. Reducing is the process of reducing amount of energy or resource we consume and amount of waste we produce. I do composting to reduce waste at home. Compost is soil mixed with old fruits and vegetables, sticks and leaves and even egg cartoons and coffee filters. All I do is combine them all, add worms, mix it to aerate the soils and in about two months the bottom of my compost pile can be used to fertilize my mom’s garden. This is reducing, because I reduce the amount of trash that we normally throw away.

          The Second thing is Reusing. Reusing is the process using our thing more than once, so we don’t create a lot of waste or junk. I think I do this a lot. Like, I use my last year bag pack for this year, and I use my old pencil box too, because they are still good.

          The third thing is Recycling. Recycling is the process of turning old things into new things. At home I help my parents to put paper, plastic, and, certain metal in special bins, so later the city or other company will recycle them and turn them into new paper, new plastic bottle and new cans.

          So these are my ways to save the environment. Please do not be careless to our environment, because we are stewards on this earth which means we have to do good care to our environment. A good Muslim will always be thinking green too. Good bye. Assalamualaikum.

Peserta # M.2.c

My Green Way Of Preserving Planet Earth

          Over the years, human pollution rose the earth’s temperatures, causing major ice masses to melt away. Also , the once fresh, sparkling bodies of water transformed to being murky brown. Humans are practically breaking the very life of mother nature apart into pieces. And it doesn’t end there. Oh no. There’s deforestation, destruction of animal habitats and animal on the verge of extinction.

We humans now have to step up to make amend! It’s obviously clear: We really can make a difference. We just have to try.

          My green way of preserving Planet Earth is transporting by bike. I don’t use this way of getting around all the time, but in my town, since it’s small, it’s quiet easy to bike down the blocks. I bike to the library and walk there to get some books and DVDs, as well as go to the well-known Ice Cream Parlor in Maynard, the town next to mine, which is very satisfying to reach to. The ice cream there is incredible. Over time if people used cars less often, the result would add up, and the air pollution problem would decrease.

          Also, I make compost out of produce, scraps, and egg cartons. This changes them to nourishing nutrients for plants when the scraps could likely end up at the landfill. Making compost is a good example of reducing and reusing, and that’s beneficial for mother nature for sure.

          Hand in hand, small efforts like this will save the earth’s problems. We just have to find a green way to preserve the earth and do it! And I believe we can do it !

Peserta # P.2.g

Peserta # P.2.f

Peserta # M.1.e

My green way to save the planet

          One way to save the planet is by making a compost. Composts are important because it reduces the garbage on earth. In third grade we did a soil unit and in that unit we had to make a compost. After the dirt was all composted we used it for fertilizer in our schools garden. If you want to make a compost you need a bowl, food trash (like cereal, apple peels and banana peels) soil, oxigen and worms. You first mix all the ingredient and then put in the worms in. In a week or so your composts can be used for fertilizer.

          Another way to save the planet is by saving water. Water is extremely important because you use it for baths, you drink it and you swim in it. Every night or morning I try to save water by taking shorter showers and my mom is giving my brothers shorter baths too. Here are 10 tips for saving the water:

1.Turn off the water while you brush your teeth
2.Use rain water to water you plants
3.Take shorter showers
4. When washing dishes by hand, don't let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water.
5.Drop your tissue in the trash instead of flushing it and save water every time.
6.Turn off the water while you wash your hair to save up to 150 gallons a month.
7.For cold drinks keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap. This way, every drop goes down you and not the drain.
8.Use a water-efficient showerhead. They're inexpensive, easy to install, and can save you up to 750 gallons a month.
9.Next time you add or replace a flower or shrub, choose a low water use plant for year-round landscape color and save up to 550 gallons each year
10.Water your lawn and garden in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation.

          Other ways to save the planet is by saving electricity or energy. Energy/electricity is important because it gives us light, it runs computers, tv's and much more. I save electricity or energy by turning off room's light when somebody is not there and I will tell my mom to use her phone less. Here are 10 tips to save energy/electricity:
1. Change or clean your furnace filter once a month.
2. Install a programmable thermostat.
3. Don't set the thermostat higher than you actually want it.
4. Don't let furniture and draperies block the air flow from air registers.
5. If your home has a boiler system, avoid covering radiators with screens or blocking them with furniture.
6. Use rags or hand towels instead of paper towels or napkins.
7. When using the fireplace, turn down the furnace to 55 degrees. If you don't, all the warm air from the furnace will go right up the chimney, wasting energy and money.
8. Keep plantings at least one foot away from your central air conditioning unit for adequate airflow.
9. During late afternoon and early evening, turn off unnecessary lights and wait to use heat-producing appliances.
10. Shade south- and west- facing windows during the hottest part of the day in the summer.

          Our family tries to use the reusable Walmart bag so we can reduce plastic bags. We also reuse the plastic bags from the grocery store for packing stuff in the attic, use it for a garbage bag on car trip, and sometimes me and my brothers use it to make shirts.

          I used to do recycling at school. Some fourth graders get chosen by their teacher and get to be a recycler. Each pair of students get assigned to a section in the school and what they recycled, like paper or plastic. The fourth graders then gather the paper or plastic from their sections and leave it by the cafeteria. And later the custodian put the paper and plastic in the recycle truck.

          And those are my green way to save the planet. If I keep doing these things I can save the earth.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Peserta # P.2.e

Peserta # P.1.c

Peserta # P.2.d

Peserta # M.1.d

Help Make the Earth Clean!

By Peserta # M.1.d

On April 22nd every year we celebrate Earth Day. One time, my little brother and I picked up the trash in the front yard and the back yard because we wanted to help the planet by making it green. We found a lot in the front yard and a little bit in the back yard. In school, we learned 3 special words and the words are reduce, reuse, and recycle. Reduce means use less. Reuse means you use it again and again. Recycle means to make something new from something old. I want Earth Day to be everyday because I want to help people, clean up, and make the earth green and shiny. Also in school we learned a few more Earth Day words such as donate and receive. Donate means to give to someone instead of wasting it and throwing it away. Receive means you get it like someone gives you something. It is better to donate than receive. Just like green trees that always give a lot of paper and oxygen. Oxygen causes thousands of people to breathe fresh air and live. If there was no oxygen we wouldn’t be alive. Also, we could not breathe and we would be died in the ground. So, green trees are very important. Remember don’t forget help make the earth green!!

Peserta # M.1.c

A Green Way to Help Eart!

We should recycle because if we don’t the plants and trees would be dead or pollutions.

We should recycle bottles and paper or cans and boxes so the earth will be clean.

We have to separate the bottles and paper or cans and boxes so they won’t get mixed up.

If we don’t recycle the bottles and paper or cans and boxes, it will be all over the place.

So separate the bottles and paper or cans and boxes so they won’t get all over the place.

Peserta # M.2.a

My Green Way to Preserve the Planet Earth

By Peserta # M.2.a


          My way to preserve my planet is to save electricity; I try to do that by turning off all the lights, when my family, my friends, my community, or I am not using it. I try to turn off things when not being used, like TVs, laptops/computers, fans, music, water, heaters, etc. You see, I have a Nintendo DS and it needs to charge or get more power from time to time, but I try to not over charge it because it will use more electricity. Instead of using those, terrible, energy using monsters, the electric sharpener, I use a regular sharpener that uses effort, plus it’ll be great exercise! I also use the energy saving light bulb, if you never heard of it, it looks like one of those twisty ones. They’re way better than the regular ones, trust me!


          My way to preserve my planet is to save water; I try to do that by not letting anyone that I know let water run when they’re not using it. When you wash your hands, make wudu, or brush your teeth, don’t put the water at full power, just turn it on half way or something. As for showers or baths, I have to take one every day, so to save water on that one, you have to shorten your showers, baths, or whatever to at least four and a half minutes or less, PLEASE!


          My way to preserve my planet is to not throw away things so easily, instead of that recycle, reduce, and reuse. Think of litter, how much have you seen? I know I’ve seen a couple thousand! I don’t litter, but still I see litter. I understand if you go camping or something, and there’s no trash disposal, (also known as a trash can), but still, there’s no excuse, you could put the trash in your pocket, and throw it away when you see another trash can, or better yet, recycle it! This brings me to the three Rs, recycling, reusing, and reducing. Let’s start with recycling, what stinks is that my own family doesn’t have a recycling business thing, but that doesn’t stop me from recycling at school! Now reusing, you can reuse lots of stuff like, milk jugs to piggy banks, two big soda bottles into a twister, trash bags to raincoats, Kool aid pouches to bags, and so on, don’t worry this completely eco friendly! So that’s how I preserve the planet earth!

Peserta # M.2.b

          Oh, why I always feel hot although today is spring! said Nadia and Maury together. In few moments, they think why now they always fell hot. “Hey maybe this because global warning. The trees gone, in ozone there were holes that mean we will fell the sun very hot everyday Oh my god” said Nadia with sadness. Maury said “Don’t worry we can make it better. We can recycle, plant the trees, all we do are safe the earth.”

          The next day Nadia and Maury tried to make their neighbors more carefully to the earth and made their neighbors want to plant trees, recycling. “Huff... to make our neighbors want to do all what we should do is hard enough for me. I will not do it anymore. Not just because is hard, today is very hot! But how about you?” said Nadia in their break after in half day they tried to make people more make the earth safe, and plant 10 trees in their backyard, 5 for Nadia and 5 for Maury. “ Don’t be silly Nadia. You are not a child again. We can do it. Now we have many helpers, who help us make people do ‘the green way to help the earth’.”“ I know Maury. I won’t give up to do this. I just… never mind.” Said Nadia. “ No just say it. I’ll understand what you want to be. Just relaxing your body after we did a half day to help people more know bout the earth. That’s awesome. I don’t believe it. We can do it. We just need a little more helpers.” Maury said with lovely to Nadia. “ Thanks Maury. Ok. Are you ready to go?” “ Hey! We should be eating our lunch first! I’m hungry! If I don’t eat anything I’ll no have energy for safe the earth.” “ Sorry, I’m forgetting we are not yet eat.” Said Nadia with giggle.

          After ate lunch they went make her neighbors do what they are doing again. “Safe the earth”, just it in their mind for this weekend. In the Monday, they went to school with rode their bike. In last week before their action begun, their father or their sister still put them to the school. However, they won’t the earth have too much air pollution. At the school their action still goes, they got permission from their principal and their principal wants their idea always go everyday at school. A week later, their idea is success. People plant tress in their backyards, reduce, reuse, recycling, safe the earth, use bike if they go to somewhere if that is not far. People accepted their idea. Their dream came true. They had many helpers. Help for safe the earth.

          In the next two weeks, they got an award from the ‘safe the earth’ club near their home. Nadia and Maury gave the club an idea for make 4 garbage can. For plastic. One for can. the other for paper, and one more for organic. They hopeful people will understand what the earth now is. Now the earth has Global warming, many holes in the earth, and many bad things what the earth have.

          What are you waiting for? Plant the trees, reduce, reuse, recycling, safe the earth, make less air pollution. The tree can make you feel cozy when the sun is very hot you feel in the summer, use less the plastic, clean the earth, make less the pollution, whatever the pollution are, but still we should make that less. This my green way to safe the earth!” They said together.

Peserta # P.2.c

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Peserta # M.1.b

My essay is about saving water. An average house uses more than 200 gallons of water per day! Here are some facts about saving water. An average eight percent of all home water use is wasted through leaks. Taking showers instead of baths can save 30 gallons of water. Running your dishwasher and washing machine only when they are full can save up to 1,000 gallons a month.

There are many ways you can help save water. Some of the ways are: take short showers (5-15 minutes), turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth can save 4 gallons a minute.

Water is one of the most important things in life. There is more water than land on earth, but less than one percent of it is fresh water. The rest is saltwater. People use water everyday. From drinking it to taking shower with it, and sometimes we use it for entertainment. A lot of people do waste water. Some of them even contaminate the water. Contaminated water can make animals, plants and people very sick. You can do simple things to help save water. That is why I pledge to help save our water.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Peserta # P.2.a

Peserta # M.1.a

My Green Way To Help Preserve Our Planet Earth

          We need to plant more trees to help save our Earth. Because more trees more oxygen, the trees help the air more clean from pollution. And the root from the trees make the water clean too. The trees also became shade for us and animals too. A lot of birds make their nest in the trees. When the sunny day trees became shade for rabbits,squirrels, birds and other animals. My Dad plants a lot of evergreen trees around our house. Masha Allah, it's so beautiful, green and fresh. Alhamdulillah I thanks to Allah, He created the Earth very wonderful with different kind of trees,flowers,herbs and animals. Also He created mountains,hills,rivers,stream, sea, ocean to make our Earth balance. I hope with little thing we do, it help save our Earth.

          Growing vegetables in our garden is fun. We start to chose the land with enough sun, we clean up the grass, make compost from dry leaves and greens from kitchen waste. The important thing when we grow vegetables is the soil has to be healthy. In the healthy soil we have a friendly helper. It's “Worms”!The Worms help the Earth breath, they like munching leaves and stretching and squeezing in the soil. They make tunnel in the soil, so the Earth got some oxygen. I like when we harvest at our vegetables garden. In spring we have Lettuce,Kale,Broccoli,Green onion,Radishes,Swiss Chard and my favorite Strawberries. Also my Mom grow Roses, a pink Rose already bloom, it's so pretty and smell good. I like Rosemary herb and I plant it in a pot, I take some when my Mom make pasta, it's make the pasta more“Yummy.” And I like Radishes too when my Mom slice in Nasi Goreng. I help my mom harvest green onion when my mom will make Bakwan, these are my favorite food. InshaAllah, with more trees, grow vegetables, fruit, flower and clean up around our house, it will help our Earth keep green.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Earth Day Activities 2010: "My green way to help preserve my planet earth"

  • Purpose

    Kegiatan ini untuk mendidik anak-anak Muslim belajar dan mengerti tentang environment terutama masalah planet earth.

    Adapun kegiatannya berupa lomba menulis dan Lomba Membuat Poster. Untuk kegiatan lomba menulis terbuka untuk usia anak 7 tahun ke atas, sedangkan lomba membuat poster terbuka usia anak berumur 3 tahun ke atas.
    Bagi yang ingin ikut ke dua kegiatan ini harus mengirim registrasi terpisah untuk masing-masing kegiatan.

    Setiap anak yang berpartisipasi akan menerima certificate sebagai penghargaan atas partisipasinya dalam kegiatan ini dan ,insha Allah, ada hadiah (small gift) untuk pemenang 1, 2, dan 3 untuk setiap level dari masing-masing kegiatan.

  • Deadline

    Tanggal pendaftaran dimulai: 13 April, 2010 sampai dengan 13 Mei, 2010
    Tanggal terakhir pengiriman tulisan dan poster: 13 Mei, 2010.

  • Bentuk Kegiatan

    Bentuk contest ada 2 yaitu:
    • Lomba Menulis dan
    • Lomba Membuat Poster

  • Lomba Menulis

    • Theme:"My green way to help preserve my planet earth"

    • Data Informasi Untuk Registrasi

      Registrasi bisa dikirim ke email
      dan sebutkan:
      • nama lengkap
      • usia
      • alamat rumah (untuk pengiriman setifikat)
      • sekolah
      • nama orang tua
      • email orang tua

    • Level Usia
      Level 1: Usia 7 - 9 tahun
      Level 2: Usia 10-12 tahun
      Level 3: 13 tahun keatas

    • Syarat Penulisan dan Cara Pengiriman:
      1. Hasil karya tulisan oleh ananda sendiri.
      2. Belum pernah di publish.
      3. Dituliskan dalam bahasa yang sopan dan baik, bisa dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris.
      4. Minimal tulisan:
      Level 1 = 1/2 - 1 halaman (100-250 kata)
      Level 2 = 1 - 1 1/2 halaman ( 250-375 kata)
      Level 3 = 1 1/2 - 2 halaman ( 375-500 kata)
      5. Keputusan jury tidak bisa diganggu gugat.
      6. Naskah dikirimkan sebagai attachment ke

  • Lomba Membuat Poster

    • Theme: "My green way to help preserve my planet earth"

    • Data Informasi Untuk Registrasi

      Registrasi bisa dikirim ke email
      dan sebutkan:
      • nama lengkap
      • usia
      • alamat rumah (untuk pengiriman setifikat)
      • sekolah
      • nama orang tua
      • email orang tua

    • Level Usia
      Level 1: Usia 3, 4, 5, dan 6 tahun
      Level 2: Usia 7, 8, dan 9 tahun
      Level 3: Usia 10, 11, dan 12 keatas
      Level 4: Usia 13 tahun ke atas

    • Syarat Poster dan Cara Pengiriman:
      1. Hasil karya poster oleh ananda sendiri.
      2. Belum pernah di publish.
      3. Ukuran poster: 17 inch x 20 inch. Bisa menggunakan berbagai media misalnya: pastels, crayon, marker, water color, acrylic, graphite pencils, etc.
      4. Keputusan jury tidak bisa diganggu gugat.
      5. Poster gambar dikirimkan sebagai attachment ke (Foto poster dan foto anak bersama posternya)

"Selamat Berkarya Di rumah"