Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Peserta # M.2.a

My Green Way to Preserve the Planet Earth

By Peserta # M.2.a


          My way to preserve my planet is to save electricity; I try to do that by turning off all the lights, when my family, my friends, my community, or I am not using it. I try to turn off things when not being used, like TVs, laptops/computers, fans, music, water, heaters, etc. You see, I have a Nintendo DS and it needs to charge or get more power from time to time, but I try to not over charge it because it will use more electricity. Instead of using those, terrible, energy using monsters, the electric sharpener, I use a regular sharpener that uses effort, plus it’ll be great exercise! I also use the energy saving light bulb, if you never heard of it, it looks like one of those twisty ones. They’re way better than the regular ones, trust me!


          My way to preserve my planet is to save water; I try to do that by not letting anyone that I know let water run when they’re not using it. When you wash your hands, make wudu, or brush your teeth, don’t put the water at full power, just turn it on half way or something. As for showers or baths, I have to take one every day, so to save water on that one, you have to shorten your showers, baths, or whatever to at least four and a half minutes or less, PLEASE!


          My way to preserve my planet is to not throw away things so easily, instead of that recycle, reduce, and reuse. Think of litter, how much have you seen? I know I’ve seen a couple thousand! I don’t litter, but still I see litter. I understand if you go camping or something, and there’s no trash disposal, (also known as a trash can), but still, there’s no excuse, you could put the trash in your pocket, and throw it away when you see another trash can, or better yet, recycle it! This brings me to the three Rs, recycling, reusing, and reducing. Let’s start with recycling, what stinks is that my own family doesn’t have a recycling business thing, but that doesn’t stop me from recycling at school! Now reusing, you can reuse lots of stuff like, milk jugs to piggy banks, two big soda bottles into a twister, trash bags to raincoats, Kool aid pouches to bags, and so on, don’t worry this completely eco friendly! So that’s how I preserve the planet earth!

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